Our Church-Planting Mission in the Niger Delta (Nigeria) 2002-2012...
NIM is a powerful indigenous, church planting mission outreach of Faith Christian Church, among the Ijaw people group in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, West Africa.
Nigeria Ijaw Mission is:
We trained young Ijaw converts and installed them as pastors in the newly planted churches. The Egbema Ijaw King decreed that every village would donate land for NIM to build the High Impact churches and parsonages. Today many Ijaw men have been educated, trained for pastoral ministry, and installed in our church plants. Our church planting model has been set up to create debt-free, self-sustaining churches in these remote villages, with the pastors being self-supported by business we helped them begin. After the first 10 village churches were established, and with a fast growing church-planting operation in the remote villages, we needed to plant a headquarters church in the nearby town of Sapele, 4 hours up river from the villages. From there, High Impact Churches' General Overseer, Wilson Okotie, and his wife, Praise Okotie, oversee ministry and education operations. NIM also raised the funds and built a residential and training compound near the Headquarters church to house the Okotie family, pastoral trainees, and missionaries. With no schools for nearly 1 million people, NIM sent some of our Ijaw Pastors and wives to college for teaching degrees. Schools were then opened as outreaches of the village church plants, with hundreds of students enrolling within the first 2 years. In some cases our pastors had to be taught to read and write English, and tutored through secondary school level before qualifying for college. Today we also have a thriving school at our headquarters church in Sapele, where we are continuing to raise up students who can answer the call to teach. Today NIM and High Impact are seeing the expanding fruit of continuing new church plants, schools opened, and new pastors trained, and the region is turning to Jesus by the grace of GOD, through our Gospel efforts. Thank You for your prayers and support! Nick Champlin |
VIDEO: "The Birth of Nigeria-Ijaw Mission"
This video presentation tells how Nick Champlin began Nigeria-Ijaw Mission, and his involvement with Wilson Okotie, in 2002.
Click here and go to our YouTube NIM Channel for more video updates. |
People and Villages of IjawLand in the Niger Delta
Nick greeting believers at new church plant in Binidodoah village (2012). This church plant was the result of the Word spreading and outreach from one of our other village churches. The Good News travels fast and far.