The House Gathering in Orange, CT with Nick Champlin
After a supernatural call from GOD to New Haven, I founded and pastored Faith Christian Church (now Gateway Christian Fellowship) in New Haven/W. Haven, CT from 1975-1990, and have held a deep love and vision for the LORD's work in the area ever since. In the Fall of 2012, with a group of former FCC members, I began a House Gathering in Orange, on Friday evenings at 7:30 and Sunday mornings at 10:00, that meets every 6 weeks. The Orange House Gathering began as a time of worship, renewal, teaching, and prayer, and does not operate as a church, but is a simple gathering of Christian friends. At its inception, I contacted local pastors with whom I have a relationship, and let them know about the nature of the Gathering. We encourage all those who attend to be faithful to their memberships in local churches, as it is our aim to build up the Body of Christ in the New Haven area. Our meetings are open to all. You can find out about our schedule below and also sign up to be on the House Gathering email list to keep updated.
The beautiful Clock Tower on Yale University Old Campus Where Faith Christian Church met from 1980-1985.
LocationThe Gathering
236 Wilson Rd • Orange, CT 06477 |